Multiple author identity systems have emerged in recent years which provide a unique identifier to disambiguate researchers and scholars from others with the same or similar name. These identifiers are persistent and portable, allowing use across multiple organizations and institutions. For NIE researchers, we recommend exploring the following:
What should I enter in the institution field?
Enter National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University in the institution field. Follow the instructions on individual sites to add affiliations/past institutions.
Increase the visibility and accessibility of your research output:
Ensures that your work is correctly attributed to you:
Display citation metrics that demonstrate the impact of your research:
Your profile can be used in the long-term even as you change between institutions.
Why do I need to maintain my Author Identity on different platforms?
This is because the Google Scholar profile, Web of Science researcher profile, and Scopus author profile cover different sources of publications.
ORCID does not provide citation metrics, but it facilitates updates or exchanges of data with many other systems to keep your publication data accurate and up-to-date.
Can I have more than one profile on the same Author Identity platform?
It is not advisable to create/have more than one account on the same Author Identity platform to ensure the integrity of your publications information.