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A new way to browse, read and monitor your favourite journals and get faster access to full text

What is BrowZine, and how can it help me?

BrowZine is a website and mobile app that offers a highly-readable and convenient way to browse, read and monitor scholarly journals.

BrowZine allows you to

  • Discover journals in an aesthetic and intuitive interface

  • Access journal content (e.g. issue contents and full text) with fewer clicks

  • Track titles of interest and be notified when a new article is published with My Bookshelf

  • Save articles for later reading in My Articles 

  • Synchronize your account with all your bookmarks (e.g. journals and articles) across web and mobile services

Use BrowZine to keep up with research trends and latest journal articles in a user-friendly interface, on multiple devices/platforms.  


BrowZine will not be replacing the journal search in the library portal. The journal search is more comprehensive in its listing of journals in the library subscriptions (although they are quite comparable).

However, the categorisation of journals in Browzine may be more useful for discovery of other journals within the same topic. It also has added functionalities, such as allowing you to track a personal list of journals or sort results by SCImago journal ranking (SJR). It is a complementary tool for journal discovery.

Search for Journals in BrowZine

Search e-journals

Features of Browzine

BrowZine Library

  • Search or browse journal titles by subject
  • Read new articles online on your computer, tablet or phone

Account and Syncing

  • Create a BrowZine account to sync your preferences across multiple devices 

Personal Bookshelf

  • Create a personal bookshelf of your favourite journals (max 64 titles) and articles 
  • Receive alerts when new issues of a journal are available

Document Management / Storage

  • Download articles and save them to your device for offline reading (for mobile only)

Bibliographic Management

  • Export citations into Zotero, Mendeley RefWorks or EndNote ( if using the mobile you will need an EndNote account)

Social Sharing

  • Share citations and comments about the article on social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter.


What are the limitations?

  • PDF access to articles can occasionally be sluggish depending on your connection speed, especially on the mobile device. It is not uncommon for full-text access to time out. If the PDF takes too long to load, you can consider reading the HTML version instead, if available. Alternatively, download PDFs for offline reading when the connection speed becomes stable/hig

  • Not all library journals can be made available through BrowZine. If a journal or issue is not available or accessible in BrowZine, please use the library's Journal Search platform for a more comprehensive search of the NIE Library's subscription coverage. [Note: clicking on "Request" will bring you the item search result page on our library portal. However, the page will likely show that the full text article is not covered by the NIE Library's subscription. If the full text article is not available, you can submit a Document Delivery request.]


  • BrowZine has no full text search functionality option. Hence, it is unsuitable for literature searching. You can search for journal titles but not journal articles. If you wish to perform a comprehensive search for journal articles, please visit the library portal instead.