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NTU CourseReserves: NIE Course Readings Guide

A guide to NIE's new course readings management system

Various Methods to Add Items to Your List

Use the tabs below to learn how to add citations to your reading list by:

  • Searching for readings from the library catalogue
  • Adding items manually, such as websites, personal copies (of items not available in the library) or open access items
  • Using the Cite it! button directly from your browser, to add online resources
  • Adding items from Collection, which is your personal Leganto library, taken from your Favourites list in the library search portal.

Once you’ve added readings to your list, you can include more details about the resource by:

  • Editing citations to indicate the type of resource, for example a book chapter
  • Adding tags to indicate actions for students or the Library, or
  • Inserting notes to students (or private ones to yourself) about the reading


Normally a list is prepared and completed before the start of semester. If you are adding extra readings to the list during the course of the semester, please use Send to library"  to send the item to the library for review. This assures that any type of reading will become visible for students.

Details on How to Add Items to Your List

1. Click on the Add Items or + button (that appears at the top of the screen) and chose Library Search from the options available.

2. Enter your search keywords into the 'Simple Search' or 'Advanced Search' tabs.

3. Click Search.

4. Scroll through the list of results.

5. Find your desired item, then choose which Section of your list to add it to and click ‘ADD’.

You can also simply click and drag the item into your list.

If you just want students to read a particular chapter of an ebook/book, choose ADD & EDIT, then change the format type to Book Chapter, update the details of the chapter name, page number, and even add a due date. 

Note: For book chapter or journal article file uploads, please note that the documents must be sent to the library for review. 

6. Your item will now appear on the reading list. 

  • Students can access online resources (such as ebooks and journal articles) by clicking on the title. 
  • Hover over the right-hand side of a citation to drag and reorder items in your reading list

7. Continue to search and add resources to your list as required.


If you want to link to a website or upload a file of your own, for which you have copyright ownership or which you can use under fair use (e.g. 10% of a book chapter or one journal article), you can add a resource manually.

NOTE If you add a reading during the course of the semester, it will still need to be sent to the library for review. See the Finalise your Reading List page on how to send an individual citation for review.

1. Click on the Add Items button (that appears at the top of the screen) and choose Blank Form from the options available.

2.  Add the item details.

3. Select type of resource from the Type drop-down menu. You can choose from frequently used resource types such as book, book chapters and articles, as well as options like audio, blogs, case studies and more.

4.Complete fields such as Title, Author, Publisher, Date etc.

5. If you have a file you want your students to download and view, click on the upload link at top.

6. Select which Section you would like the resource to appear.

7. Click 'ADD'


If you are adding a book the Library does not yet have, you can include more details such as the ISBN, or edition, if the book has one, to make sure you're specifying the right book.

Feel free to fill out optional details in the form if you have the information.

Do remember to tag the item if it is a book that is not in the Library's collection, and you'd like to request that the Library purchase it.



Another way to add resources to your reading list is with the Cite It! option. It's particularly handy for adding external resources such as websites, videos, government documents and blogs. You can also use this option to add books or journal articles which are not part of the library's collection by going to an online bookstore or publisher's website.

To use this feature, you need to add the Cite It! bookmarklet to your Internet browser in the following way:

1. Go to your initials in the top-right corner of your Reading Lists page.

2. Click the drop-down menu, select Cite It!

3. A pop-up window will open.

4. Click and drag the purple Cite It! bookmarklet  to your browser bookmarks.

To view the websites supported by Cite it!, click on Supported sites in the pop-up window and scroll down the list.

NOTE: for the Cite-It! bookmarklet to work, pop-ups need to be enabled in your browser settings. 

5. When you find a website you would like to add to your Reading List, click the Cite It! bookmarklet in your browser bookmarks.

Please note:  your Reading List tool will need to be open for this to be fully functional.

6. Edit the item details and choose whether to add to your Collection or to a particular reading list.  

Select 'ADD & CLOSE' to close the pop-up window.

You will get a message confirming that the resource has been added to your list.


Collection is your own pinned favourites collection from your Library Portal Search. Collection can be used for multiple reading lists.  You can use this space to save interesting resources that you would like to access later. 

Adding Items From Collection

1. You can add items to your list from Collection by using the blue Add Items + button

2. Click on the Collection tab.



3. Search for your item and add it to your list
Adding Items To Collection

1. You can also add items to Collection using the 'Cite it!' button in your Internet browser or by pinning an item to your favourites when you login and use Library Search.


2. You can also copy items to Collection from your existing list, so that you can continue to reuse it in other lists.


You can add and edit details about a resource, for example the edition of a book or a start and end page for a book chapter, as follows:

The 3 dot ellipsis on the top right of the item box is the key to most actions on an individual item.

The ellipsis menu allows you to edit, delete, move, copy and send the item to the library. 

NOTE: If you are adding extra readings to the list during the course of the semester, please use Send to library"  to send the item to the library for review.

This assures that any type of reading will become visible for students.

To edit item details like change a book into a book chapter, use the ellipsis menu on the right-hand side of the item and select Edit item.

Here you can refine the resource type and add details relevant to the resource.

For example, for a book chapter,  include the chapter title, the number of the chapter and the start and end pages.

Click 'SAVE' when finished.


Tags are pre-set by the Library and are used to identify actions for the student or the Library. 

There are 2 types of Tags that can be used for your Reading List:

1. Administrative Tags
Add Tags
 to inform the Library about preferred purchase format (if physical is preferred) and shelving location (if items need to be on 2 HR loan in RBR or not i.e. on open shelf).

To make a request to purchase a book for your course (because it is currently not in NIE Library yet), please tag it with the "Purchase" tag. Detailed instructions below.

2. Public Tags
Add Tags
 to inform Students about the type of information source (Primary or Secondary Source).


Tagging for Purchase

If you'd like to request for a book that the Library does not yet have to be purchased, please follow the below steps:

1. Add the book using either the Blank Form or Cite It methods.

2. Click on the "Add Tag" button on the book you've added.

3. Select either "Purchase" or "Purchase-Physical required" tag.

"Purchase" means that the Library will try to find an ebook first. If no ebook is available for purchase, we will then buy a physical book.

"Purchase-Physical required" means that you require the physical version to teach this material in class, and you are requesting that the Library only source for a physical book.

Once tagged, the Library will be alerted to buy the book.

4. Remember that if you want your students to see the list, you'll need to publish it if it is still in "Draft Mode".

NOTE: If the book cannot be purchased, the library will add a note to the citation e.g. "Not in library's collection. Vendors have confirmed unable to supply.".

You can then consider the following solutions:

  • Replace the item in the reading list, or
  • Provide a scanned copy of the book chapter or journal article (if copyright compliant) or
  • Supply your own personal copy for use in the library in the Red Spot section for the duration of the course.


Reading List allows you to create notes about citations, which can be public or private.

  • Public notes can be seen by anyone with access to the reading list. They are a great way to communicate messages to your students regarding the resource. They appear in the citation area of the resource so are easily visible for students.
  • Private notes are only visible to editors of the page and can be used for thoughts about a reading or as a reminder to yourself or a reading list collaborator.

To create a note for a reading, click on the title or resource icon to open the item screen.

The item screen links to the full text (where available).

It also shows information about the resource including a field where instructors can add public and private notes.

If you have written a public note, this note will display below the citation for students to see.