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Educational Neuroscience Resources for Teachers


Dyslexia is characterised as “problems with accurate or fluent word recognition, poor decoding, and poor spelling abilities” (American Psychiatric Association, 2013, p. 67). Some examples of these characteristics can include impairment in “word reading accuracy”, “reading rate or fluency”, and “reading comprehension” (American Psychiatric Association, 2013, p. 67).

Source: American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Publishing.

Neural signatures of phonological deficits in Chinese developmental dyslexia (2017)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Atypical neural synchronization to speech envelope modulations in dyslexia (2017)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Orthographic processing deficits in developmental dyslexia: Beyond the ventral visual stream (2016)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Atypical right hemisphere response to slow temporal modulations in children with developmental dyslexia (2016)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Out-of-synchrony speech entrainment in developmental dyslexia (2016)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Dysfunction of rapid neural adaptation in dyslexia (2016)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Neural processing of amplitude and formant rise time in dyslexia (2016)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Neural encoding of the speech envelope by children with developmental dyslexia (2016)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Facial speech gestures: The relation between visual speech processing, phonological awareness, and developmental dyslexia in 10-year-olds (2016)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Neural correlates of reading fluency deficits in children (2015)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Developmental evaluation of atypical auditory sampling in dyslexia: Functional and structural evidence (2015)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Neural correlates of language and non-language visuospatial processing in adolescents with reading disability (2014)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Impairments of multisensory integration and cross-sensory learning as pathways to dyslexia (2014)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

The level of audiovisual print-speech integration deficits in dyslexia (2014)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Unstable representation of sound: A biological marker of dyslexia (2013)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Visual print tuning deficits in dyslexic adolescents under minimized phonological demands (2013)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Chinese dyslexics show neural differences in morphological processing (2013)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Altered brain structure in Chinese dyslexic children (2013)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Abnormal visual motion processing is not a cause of dyslexia (2013)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Eye-voice span during rapid automatized naming of digits and dice in Chinese normal and dyslexic children (2013)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Deficit in the preattentive processing of syllabic duration and VOT in children with dyslexia (2012)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

N300 indexes deficient integration of orthographic and phonological representations in children with dyslexia (2012)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Similar alterations in brain function for phonological and semantic processing to visual characters in Chinese dyslexia (2012)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Cortical basis for dichotic pitch perception in developmental dyslexia (2012)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Neural correlates of temporal auditory processing in developmental dyslexia during German vowel length discrimination: An fMRI study (2012)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

The neural signature of orthographic-phonological binding in successful and failing reading development (2011)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Evidence for a specific cross-modal association deficit in dyslexia: An electrophysiological study of letter-speech sound processing (2011)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Word frequency effects in the left IFG in dyslexic and normally reading children during picture naming and reading (2011)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Auditory sensory deficits in developmental dyslexia: A longitudinal ERP study (2011)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Early emergence of deviant frontal fMRI activity for phonological processes in poor beginning readers (2010)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Implicit phonological and semantic processing in children with developmental dyslexia: Evidence from event-related potentials (2010)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Dyslexia: A deficit in visuo-spatial attention, not in phonological processing (2010)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

The visual magnocellular pathway in Chinese-speaking children with developmental dyslexia (2010)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Abnormal cortical processing of the syllable rate of speech in poor readers (2009)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Context-dependent encoding in the human auditory brainstem relates to hearing speech in noise: Implications for developmental dyslexia (2009)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Topography of syllable change-detection electrophysiological indices in children and adults with reading disabilities (2009)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Functional abnormalities in the dyslexic brain: A quantitative meta-analysis of neuroimaging studies (2009)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Functional MRI of sentence comprehension in children with dyslexia: Beyond word recognition (2009)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Contribution of the anterior insula to temporal auditory processing deficits in developmental dyslexia (2009)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Children with dyslexia lack multiple specializations along the visual word-form (VWF) system (2009)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Differential effects of orthographic and phonological consistency in cortex for children with and without reading impairment (2008)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Effective brain connectivity in children with reading difficulties during phonological processing (2008)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Towards an understanding of the role of the 'magnocellular advantage' in fluent reading (2008)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Effects of stimulus difficulty and repetition on printed word identification: An fMRI comparison of nonimpaired and reading-disabled adolescent cohorts (2008)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Impaired semantic processing during sentence reading in children with dyslexia: Combined fMRI and ERP evidence (2008)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Deviant neurophysiological responses to phonological regularities in speech in dyslexic children (2007)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Children with reading disorder show modality independent brain abnormalities during semantic tasks (2007)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Effects of phonological contrast on auditory word discrimination in children with and without reading disability: A magnetoencephalography (MEG) study (2007)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

The functional anatomy of single-digit arithmetic in children with developmental dyslexia (2014)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Functional brain network abnormalities during verbal working memory performance in adolescents and young adults with dyslexia (2010)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Neural correlates of working memory performance in adolescents and young adults with dyslexia (2008)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Gray matter volume changes following reading intervention in dyslexic children (2011)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Dyslexia: A new synergy between education and cognitive neuroscience (2009)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Altering cortical connectivity: Remediation-induced changes in the white matter of poor readers (2009)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

The RAVE-O intervention: Connecting neuroscience to the classroom (2009)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Modifying the brain activation of poor readers during sentence comprehension with extended remedial instruction: A longitudinal study of neuroplasticity (2008)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Behavioural and event-related potentials evidence for pitch discrimination deficits in dyslexic children: Improvement after intensive phonic intervention (2007)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Reading in dyslexia across literacy development: A longitudinal study of effective connectivity (2017)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Dyslexic brain activation abnormalities in deep and shallow orthographies: A meta-analysis of 28 functional neuroimaging studies (2016)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Functional neuroanatomical evidence for the double-deficit hypothesis of developmental dyslexia (2014)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Fingerprints of developmental dyslexia (2012)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Neural systems predicting long-term outcome in dyslexia (2011)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

The development of print tuning in children with dyslexia: Evidence from longitudinal ERP data supported by fMRI (2011)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Neural deficits in second language reading: FMRI evidence from Chinese children with English reading impairment (2011)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Cross-linguistic neuroimaging and dyslexia: A critical view (2010)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Brain activation during sentence comprehension among good and poor readers (2007)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Neural noise hypothesis of developmental dyslexia (2017)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Possible roles for fronto-striatal circuits in reading disorder (2017)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Multi-parameter machine learning approach to the neuroanatomical basis of developmental dyslexia (2017)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Diagnosing the neural circuitry of reading (2017)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Altered patterns of directed connectivity within the reading network of dyslexic children and their relation to reading dysfluency (2017)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Disrupted white matter connectivity underlying developmental dyslexia: A machine learning approach (2016)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text*

White matter integrity of cerebellar-cortical tracts in reading impaired children: A probabilistic tractography study (2016)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

More bilateral, more anterior: Alterations of brain organization in the large-scale structural network in Chinese dyslexia (2016)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Neuroanatomical anomalies of dyslexia: Disambiguating the effects of disorder, performance, and maturation (2016)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Altered hemispheric lateralization of white matter pathways in developmental dyslexia: Evidence from spherical deconvolution tractography (2016)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

How reliable are gray matter disruptions in specific reading disability across multiple countries and languages? Insights from a large-scale voxel-based morphometry study (2015)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Resting-state and task-based functional brain connectivity in developmental dyslexia (2015)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Planum temporale asymmetry in developmental dyslexia: Revisiting an old question (2014)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

An investigation into the origin of anatomical differences in dyslexia (2014)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

A functionally guided approach to the morphometry of occipitotemporal regions in developmental dyslexia: Evidence for differential effects in boys and girls (2013)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Planum temporale morphology in children with developmental dyslexia (2013)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Altered temporal correlations in resting-state connectivity fluctuations in children with reading difficulties detected via MEG (2013)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Lateralized auditory brain function in children with normal reading ability and in children with dyslexia (2013)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Structural abnormalities in the dyslexic brain: A meta-analysis of voxel-based morphometry studies (2013)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Brain basis of phonological awareness for spoken language in children and its disruption in dyslexia (2012)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Cortical networks for vision and language in dyslexic and normal children of variable socio-economic status (2012)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

A qualitative and quantitative review of diffusion tensor imaging studies in reading and dyslexia (2012)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Electrophysiological evidence for the magnocellular-dorsal pathway deficit in dyslexia (2011)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Superior parietal lobule dysfunction in a homogeneous group of dyslexic children with a visual attention span disorder (2011)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Meta-analyzing brain dysfunctions in dyslexic children and adults (2011)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

The left occipitotemporal system in reading: Disruption of focal fMRI connectivity to left inferior frontal and inferior parietal language areas in children with dyslexia (2011)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Cognitive levels of performance account for hemispheric lateralisation effects in dyslexic and normally reading children (2010)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

White matter microstructural differences linked to left perisylvian language network in children with dyslexia (2010)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

A dual-route perspective on poor reading in a regular orthography: An fMRI study (2010)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Developmental dyslexia and widespread activation across the cerebellar hemispheres (2009)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Brain connectivity in non-reading impaired children and children diagnosed with developmental dyslexia (2009)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Reading for meaning in dyslexic and young children: Distinct neural pathways but common endpoints (2009)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Developmental dyslexia: Gray matter abnormalities in the occipitotemporal cortex (2008)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

A structural-functional basis for dyslexia in the cortex of Chinese readers (2008)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

The contribution of white and gray matter differences to developmental dyslexia: Insights from DTI and VBM at 3.0 T (2008)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Functional and morphometric brain dissociation between dyslexia and reading ability (2007)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Brain structure correlates of component reading processes: Implications for reading disability (2007)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text