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Bibliographies of Lee Sing Kong Professors in Early Childhood Education

Bibliographies compiled in conjunction with the Lee Sing Kong Professorship in Early Childhood Education Lectures

Professor Iram Siraj: A Select Bibliography

This bibliography was compiled in conjunction with the inaugural Dr. Lee Sing Kong Professorship NIE Seminar in 2023. Access to licensed resources is only available to NIE staff and students. 

Professor Iram Siraj is a Professor of Child Development and Education at the University of Oxford. She is also an adjunct professor at the University of Wollongong and University College London (UCL).

She delivered a public lecture on 21 Feb 2023 and an NIE lecture on 24 Feb 2023.


See also: Honouring a legacy: The Lee Sing Kong Professorship In Early Childhood

See also: Iram Siraj becomes inaugural recipient of Nanyang Technological University's Lee Sing Kong Visiting Professorship in Early Childhood Education


Archer, C., & Siraj, I. (2015). Encouraging physical development through movement-play. SAGE Publications Ltd.

Archer, C., & Siraj, I., & Okely, A. (2017). Movement environment rating scale (MOVERS) for 2-6-year-olds provision: Improving physical development through movement and physical activity. UCL IOE Press.

Mac Naughton, G., Rolfe, S. A., & Siraj-Blatchford, I. (Eds.). (2010). Doing early childhood research: International perspectives on theory and practice (2nd ed.). McGraw Hill; Open University Press.

Siraj, I., & Hallet, E. (2014). Effective and caring leadership in the early years. Sage.

Siraj, I., & Mayo, A. (2014). Social class and educational inequality: The impact of parents and schools. Cambridge University Press.

Siraj, I., Kingston, D., & Melhuish, E. (2015). Assessing quality in early childhood education and care: Sustained Shared Thinking and Emotional Well-being (SSTEW) Scale for 2-5-year-olds provision. Institute of Education Press (IOE Press).

Siraj, I., Taggart, B., Melhuish, E., Sammons, P., & Sylva, K. (2014). Exploring effective pedagogy in primary schools: Evidence from research. Pearson.

Siraj, I., Taggart, B., Sammons, P., Melhuish, E., Sylva, K., & Shepherd, D.-L. (2019). Teaching in effective primary schools: Research into pedagogy and children's learning. UCL IOE Press.

Siraj-Blatchford, I. (1994). The early years: Laying the foundations for racial equality. Trentham Books.

Siraj-Blatchford, I., & Clarke, P. (2000). Supporting identity, diversity and language in the early years. Open University Press.

Siraj-Blatchford, I., & Hallet, E. (2014). Effective and caring leadership in the early years. SAGE Publications Ltd.

Sylva, K., Melhuish, E., Sammons, P., Siraj-Blatchford, I., & Taggart, B. (2010). Early childhood matters: Evidence from the effective pre-school and primary education project. Routledge.

Book Chapters

Siraj, I. (2017). Nurturing `21st century skills' in early childhood education and care. In L. Loble, T. Creenaune, & J. Hayes (Eds.), Future frontiers: Education for an AI world (pp. 141-153). Melbourne University Press.

Siraj, I., & Rehana Asani. (2015). The role of sustained shared thinking, play and metacognition in young children's learning. In S. Robson & S. F. Quinn (Eds.), The Routledge international handbook of young children's thinking and understanding (pp. 403-415). Routledge.

Siraj, I., Arancibia, V., & Barón, J. (2022). The role of management, leadership, and monitoring in producing quality learning outcomes in early childhood education. In M. Bendini & A. Devercelli (Eds.), Quality early learning: Nurturing children's potential (pp. 199-238). World Bank Publications.

Siraj-Blatchford, I. (1993). Social justice and teacher education in the UK. In G. K. Verma (Ed.), Inequality and teacher education: An international perspective (pp. 89-99). Falmer Press.

Siraj-Blatchford, I. (2009). Early childhood education (ECE). In T. Maynard & N. Thomas (Eds.), An Introduction to early childhood studies (pp. 148-160). Sage.

Siraj-Blatchford, I. (2010). A focus on pedagogy: Case studies of effective practice. In K. Sylva, E. Melhuish, P. Sammons, I. Siraj-Blatchford, & B. Taggart (Eds.), Early childhood matters: Evidence from the effective pre-school and primary education project (pp. 149-165). Routledge.

Siraj-Blatchford, I. (2010). An ethnographic approach to researching young children's learning. In G. Mac Naughton, S. A. Rolfe, & I. Siraj-Blatchford (Eds.), Doing early childhood research: International perspectives on theory and practice (2nd ed., pp. 271-289). McGraw Hill; Open University Press.

Siraj-Blatchford, I. (2010). Mixed-method designs. In G. Mac Naughton, S. A. Rolfe, & I. Siraj-Blatchford (Eds.), Doing early childhood research: International perspectives on theory and practice (2nd ed., pp. 193-208). McGraw Hill; Open University Press.

Siraj-Blatchford, I. (2010). The EPPE settings in the context of English pre-schools. In K. Sylva, E. Melhuish, P. Sammons, I. Siraj-Blatchford, & B. Taggart (Eds.), Early childhood matters: Evidence from the effective pre-school and primary education project (pp. 8-23). Routledge.

Siraj-Blatchford, I., & Clarke, P. (2010). Identity, self-esteem and learning. In L. Miller, C. Cable, & G. Goodliff (Eds.), Supporting children's learning in the early years (2nd ed., pp. 28-38). Open University; Routledge.

Sylva, K., Chan, L. L. S., Melhuish, E., Sammons, P., Siraj-Blatchford, I., & Taggart, B. (2011). Emergent literacy environments: Home and preschool influences on children's literacy development. In S. B. Neuman & D. K. Dickinson (Eds.), Handbook of early literacy research. (Volume 3, pp. 97-117). Guilford Publications.

Verenikina, I., Siraj, I., & Kervin, L. (2018). Learning through digital play in the Australian context of early childhood education and care. In N. Veraksa, S. Sheridan, T. Bertram, & C. Pascal (Eds.), Vygotsky’s theory in early childhood education and research: Russian and Western values (pp. 166-178). Routledge. 

Journal Articles

Festerling, J., & Siraj, I. (2022). Anthropomorphizing technology: A conceptual review of anthropomorphism research and how it relates to children’s engagements with digital voice assistants. Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science, 56, 709–738.

Festerling, J., Siraj, I., & Malmberg, L.-E. (2022). Exploring children’s exposure to voice assistants and their ontological conceptualizations of life and technology. AI & Society. Advance online publication.

Howard, S. J., Siraj, I., Melhuish, E. C., Kingston, D., Neilsen-Hewett, C., de Rosnay, M., Duursma, E., & Luu, B. (2020). Measuring interactional quality in pre-school settings: Introduction and validation of the Sustained Shared Thinking and Emotional Wellbeing (SSTEW) scale. Early Child Development and Care, 190(7), 1017-1030.

Huang, R., Geng, Z., & Siraj, I. (2022). Exploring the associations among Chinese kindergartners between academic achievement and behavioral, cognitive and emotional self-regulation. Early Education and Development. Advance online publication.

Kazmierska-Kowalewska, K. M., Okely, A. D., Siraj, I., Archer, C., & Jones, R. A. (2021). A validation and reliability study of the Movement Environmental Rating Scale (MOVERS). European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 29(5), 733-746.

Klaus, S., & Siraj, I. (2020). Improving Roma participation in European early childhood education systems through cultural brokering. London Review of Education, 18(1), 50-64. 

Mathers, S., & Siraj, I. (2021). Researching pre-school teachers’ knowledge of oral language pedagogy using video. Frontiers in Education, 6, Article 748347.

Melhuish, E., Howard, S. J., Siraj, I., Neilsen-Hewett, C., Kingston, D., de Rosnay, M., Duursma, E., & Luu, B. (2016). Fostering Effective Early Learning (FEEL) through a professional development programme for early childhood educators to improve professional practice and child outcomes in the year before formal schooling: Study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial. Trials, 17, Article 602.

Siraj, I., Howard, S. J., Kingston, D., Neilsen-Hewett, C., Melhuish, E. C., & de Rosnay, M. (2019). Comparing regulatory and non-regulatory indices of early childhood education and care (ECEC) quality in the Australian early childhood sector. The Australian Educational Researcher, 46, 365–383.

Siraj, I., Melhuish, E., Howard, S. J., Neilsen-Hewett, C., Kingston, D., de Rosnay, M., Huang, R., Gardiner, J., & Luu, B. (2023). Improving quality of teaching and child development: A randomised controlled trial of the leadership for learning intervention in preschools. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, Article 1092284.

Thorpe, K., Rankin, P., Beatton, T., Houen, S., Sandi, M., Siraj, I., & Staton, S. (2020). The when and what of measuring ECE quality: Analysis of variation in the Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS) across the ECE day. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 53, 274-286.

Toth, K., Sammons, P., Sylva, K., Melhuish, E., Siraj, I., & Taggart, B. (2020). Home learning environment across time: The role of early years HLE and background in predicting HLE at later ages. School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 31(1), 7-30.