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Research Data Management

What is Research Data?

Research data are defined as factual records (numerical scores, textual records, images, and sounds) used as primary sources for scientific research, and that are commonly accepted in the scientific community as necessary to validate research findings.

(Source: OECD Principles and Guidelines for Access to Research Data from Public Funding)

Why Should I Manage My Research Data?

  • Meet funding body grant requirements (if applicable)
  • Ensure research integrity and reproducibility
  • Increase your research efficiency
  • Ensure research data and records are accurate, complete, authentic and reliable
  • Save time and resources in the long run
  • Enhance data security and minimising the risk of data loss
  • Prevent duplication of effort by enabling others to use your data
  • Comply with practices conducted in industry and commerce
  • Facilitate the analysis of change, by providing data with which data at other points in time can be compared

(Source: MANTRA)

Research Data Management Lifecycle

Research data management extends over the whole data management lifecycle from data collection or creation through to storage/archiving and may continue long after the research project is completed as data is shared, reused and cited.


(Source: University of California, Santa Cruz, Data Management LibGuide)

Institutional Policies and Guidelines

NTU Research Data Policy (Scroll to the bottom for links to related Legislation, Policies, Procedures and Guidelines)

NIE Research Data Management Policy (accessible via the NIE Staff Portal or NIE Student Portal)

  • The RDMP complements the NTU Research Data Policy and governs the ownership, management and archival of research data for all NIE research projects.

NIE Research Data Management Policy Guidelines (accessible via the NIE Staff Portal or NIE Student Portal)

  • A guide which specifies the required processes for Principal Investigators (PIs) to comply with the NIE RDMP. These processes apply to all research projects, regardless of whether the project is funded or non-funded. Access NIE LibGuides for additional information and useful resources on Research Data Management.