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Bibliographies of Dr. Ruth Wong Professors in Teacher Education

Bibliographies compiled in conjunction with the Dr. Ruth Wong Professorship in Teacher Education Lectures.

Professor A. Lin Goodwin: A Select Bibliography

This bibliography was compiled in conjunction with the inaugural Dr. Ruth Wong Professorship Lecture in 2015. Access to licensed resources is only available to NIE staff and students. 

Professor A. Lin Goodwin is co-founder and co-director of an M.A. program in Leadership and Educational Change, jointly operated by Teachers College and Singapore’s National Institute of Education (NIE). She delivered a presentation entitled Teachers of Quality for the 31st Century: Transforming Teacher Education to Meet the (Unknown) Future at the NIE Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference on 2 Jun 2015. 


See also: Channeling an Icon: Goodwin Inaugurates Singapore’s Dr. Ruth Wong Hie King Visit | Teachers College, Columbia University

See also: Transforming teacher education to meet the (unknown) future


Goodwin, A. L. (Ed.). (1997). Assessment for equity and inclusion: Embracing all our children. Routledge.

Genishi, C., & Goodwin, A. L. (Eds.). (2008). Diversities in early childhood education: Rethinking and doing. Routledge.

Fennimore, B., & Goodwin, A. L. (Eds.). (2011). Promoting social justice for young children. Springer.

Book Chapters

Goodwin, A. L. (1987). Vocational choices and the realities of teaching. In F. S. Bolin & J. M. Falk (Eds.), Teacher renewal: Professional issues, personal choices (pp. 30-36). Teachers College Press.

Darling-Hammond, L., & Goodwin, A. L. (1993). Progress toward professionalism in teaching. In G. Cawelti (Ed.), ASCD yearbook of the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (pp. 19-52). ASCD.

Goodwin, A. L., Genishi, C., Asher, N., & Woo, K. (1997). Voices from the margins: Asian American teachers' experiences in the profession. In R. C. Kleinsasser, D. M. Byrd, & D. J. McIntyre (Eds.), Research on the education of our nation's teachers (Teacher education yearbook V) (pp 219-241). Corwin Press.

Goodwin, A. L. (1997). Historical and contemporary perspectives on multicultural teacher education: Past lessons, new directions. In J. E. King, E. R. Hollins, & W. Hayman (Eds.), Preparing teachers for cultural diversity (pp. 5-22). Teachers College Press.

Goodwin, A. L., & Macdonald, M. (1997). Educating the rainbow: Authentic assessment and authentic practice for diverse classrooms. In A. L. Goodwin (Ed.). Assessment for equity and inclusion: Embracing all our children (pp. 211-228). Routledge.

Smith, Y., & Goodwin, A. L. (1997). The democratic, child-centered classroom: Provisioning for a vision. In A. L. Goodwin (Ed.), Assessment for equity and inclusion: Embracing all our children (pp. 101-120). Routledge.

Goodwin, A. L. (2000). Teachers as (multi)cultural agents in schools. In R. T. Carter (Ed.), Addressing cultural issues in organizations: Beyond the corporate context (pp. 101-114). Sage.

Goodwin, A. L., & McIntosh, K. (2008). Diversifying the teaching force. In T. L. Good (Ed.), 21st century education: A reference handbook (Volume 2, pp. 23-33). Sage.

Goodwin, A. L. (Section Ed.). (2008) Who teaches? Who should teach? In M. Cochran-Smith, S. Feiman-Nemser, & J. McIntyre (Eds.), Handbook of research on teacher education: Enduring questions in changing contexts (3rd ed., pp. 395-546). Routledge.

Goodwin, A. L. (2008). Defining teacher quality: Is consensus possible? In M. Cochran-Smith, S. Feiman-Nemser, & J. McIntyre (Eds.), Handbook of research on teacher education: Enduring questions in changing contexts (3rd ed., pp. 399-403). Routledge.

Goodwin, A. L., & Oyler, C. (2008). Teacher educators as gatekeepers: Deciding who is ready to teach. In M. Cochran-Smith, S. Feiman-Nemser, & J. McIntyre (Eds.), Handbook of research on teacher education: Enduring questions in changing contexts (3rd ed., pp. 468-490). Routledge.

Goodwin, A. L., & Genor, M. (2008). Disrupting the taken-for-granted: Autobiographical analysis in preservice teacher education. In C. Genishi & A. L. Goodwin (Eds.), Diversities in early childhood education: Rethinking and doing (pp. 201-218). Routledge.

Goodwin, A. L., Cheruvu, R., & Genishi, C. (2008). Responding to multiple diversities in early childhood education: How far have we come? In C. Genishi & A. L. Goodwin (Eds.), Diversities in early childhood education: Rethinking and doing (pp. 3-10). Routledge.

Genishi, C., & Goodwin, A. L. (2008). Diversities across early childhood settings: Contesting identities and transforming curricula. In C. Genishi & A. L. Goodwin (Eds.), Diversities in early childhood education: Rethinking and doing (pp. 273-278). Routledge.

Goodwin, A. L. (2011). Globalization and the preparation of quality teachers: Rethinking knowledge domains for teaching. In R. Quezada (Ed.), Internationalization of teacher education: Creating globally competent teachers and teacher educators for the 21st century. Routledge.

Goodwin, A. L. (2011). Protecting the rights of all children: Using what we know. In B. S. Fennimore & A. L. Goodwin (Eds.), Promoting social justice for young children: Advances in theory and research, implications for practice (pp. 163-170). Springer.

Goodwin, A. L. (2012). Quality teachers, Singapore style. In L. Darling-Hammond & A. Lieberman (Eds.), Teacher education around the world: Changing policies and practices (pp. 22-43). Taylor & Francis.

Goodwin, A. L. (2012).Teaching as a profession: Are we there yet? In C. Day (Ed.), The Routledge international handbook of teacher and school development (pp. 44-56). Taylor & Francis.

Dai, W., & Goodwin, A. L. (2013). Research on the impact of Chinese teacher preparation reform on teacher candidates’ quality after the 1990s. In X. Zhu & K. Zeichner (Eds.), Preparing teachers for the 21st century (pp. 201-213). Springer.

Goodwin, A. L. (2014). Perspectives on high performing education systems in Finland, Hong Kong, China, South Korea and Singapore: What lessons for the US?. In S. K. Lee, W. O. Lee, & E. L. Low (Eds.), Educational policy innovations: Levelling up and sustaining educational achievement (pp. 185-199). Springer.

Journal Articles

Goodwin, A. L. (1991). Problems, process, and promise: Reflections on a collaborative approach to the solution of the minority teacher shortage. Journal of Teacher Education, 42(1), 28-36.

Goodwin, A. L. (1994). Making the transition from self to other: What do preservice teachers really think about multicultural education? Journal of Teacher Education, 45(2), 119-130.

Carter, R., & Goodwin, A. L. (1994). Racial identity and education. Review of Research in Education, 20, 291-336.

Goodwin, A. L. (1997). Multicultural stories: Preservice teachers' conceptions of and responses to issues of diversity. Urban Education, 32(1), 117-145.

Goodwin, A. L. (2002). The case of one child: Making the shift from personal knowledge to professionally informed practice. Teaching Education, 13(2), 137-154.

Goodwin, A. L. (2002). Teacher preparation and the education of immigrant children. Education and Urban Society, 34(2), 156-172.

Goodwin, A. L. (2004). Exploring the perspectives of teacher educators of color: What do they bring to teacher education? Issues in Teacher Education, 13(2), 7-24.

Genor, M., & Goodwin, A. L. (2005). Confronting ourselves: Using autobiographical analysis in teacher education. The New Educator, 1(4), 311-331.

Goodwin, A. L. (2009). Remaking our teacher education history through self-study. Studying Teacher Education, 5(2), 143-146. 

Goodwin, A. L. (2010). Curriculum as colonizer: (Asian) American education in the current U.S. context. Teachers College Record, 112(12), 3102-3138.

Goodwin, A. L. (2010). Globalization and the preparation of quality teachers: Rethinking knowledge domains for teaching. Teaching Education, 21(1), 19-32.

Goodwin, A. L., & Kosnik, C. (2013). Quality teacher educators = Quality teachers? Conceptualizing essential domains of knowledge for those who teach teachers. Teacher Development, 17(3), 334-346.

Goodwin, A. L., Low, E. L., Ng, P. T., Yeung, A. S., & Cai, L. (2015). Enhancing playful teachers’ perception of the importance of ICT use In the classroom: The role of risk taking as a mediator. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 40(4), 8.