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Open Educational Resources (OER)

This guide provides quick tips on locating and evaluating OER, as well as best practices for attribution.

Faculty Guide for Evaluating Open Education Resources

In addition to keeping the 5Rs (Retain. Reuse. Revise. Remix. Redistribute) in mind when adopting, adapting or building OER resources and courses, using rubrics or other evaluative tools to measure effectiveness, accessibility and alignment to student learning outcomes are key.

Here is a sample checklist for evaluation of OERs:

  • Accuracy
    • ​Is the information accurate?  Are there major content errors or omissions?
    • Are there spelling errors to typos?
  • Relevance
    • Does the information directly address one or more of the class objectives?
  • Production Quality
    • Is the information clear and understandable?
    • Is the layout and interface easy to navigate?
    • Do the design features enhance learning?
    • For audio or video resources, is the sound quality high?
  • Accessibility
    • Is the resource available in alternative formats (e.g. docx)?
    • For audio or video resources, is there a transcript or subtitles?
  • Interactivity
    • Does the resource encourage active learning and class participation?
    • Are there opportunities of students to test their understanding of the material (e.g. a video with embedded questions?)
  • Licensing
    • Does the license allow for educational reuse of the materials?
    • Does the license allow modifications or adoptions of the materials

"Faculty Guide for Evaluating Open Education Resources" is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.

Other Rubrics and Tools

“A set of materials developed to help educators use and learn more about the Achieve Open Educational Resource (OER) Rubrics and OER Evaluation Tool.”

“Questions to ask about the OER you are thinking of using.”