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Bibliographies of CJ Koh Professors in Education

Professor Justin Dillon: A Select Bibliography

This bibliography was compiled in conjunction with the 16th CJ Koh Professorial Public Lecture in 2024. Access to licensed resources is only available to NIE staff and students. 

Professor Justin Dillon is professor of science and environmental education at University College London and Guest Professor at Zhejiang University, China. His research interests are in learning in and outside the classroom, climate change and sustainability education. After studying for a degree in chemistry, Justin trained as a teacher and taught in London schools for 10 years. He joined King’s College London in 1989, where he worked as a researcher and teacher educator being appointed professor in 2009. In 2014, Justin was appointed Head of the Graduate School of Education at the University of Bristol. He then joined the University of Exeter in 2017 where he was Director of Research in the School of Education. He returned to London earlier this year to take a chair at UCL. Justin was President of the European Science Education Research Association (ESERA) from 2007-11 and is President of the UK National Association for Environmental Education. Previously he was Chair of Trustees of the London Wildlife Trust and Bankside Open Spaces Trust. Justin edits the journal, Studies in Science Education, and is an editor of the International Journal of Science Education.



Dillon, J. (2016). Towards a convergence between science and environmental education: The selected works of Justin Dillon. Routledge.

Dillon, J., & Watts, M. (Eds.). (2022). Debates in science education (2nd ed.). Routledge.

Corrigan, D., Buntting, C., Dillon, J., Jones, A., & Gunstone, R. (Eds.). (2015). The future in learning science: What’s in it for the learner? Springer.

Corrigan, D., Dillon, J., & Gunstone, R. (Eds.). (2007). The re-emergence of values in science education. Brill.

Corrigan, D., Dillon, J., & Gunstone, R. (Eds.). (2011). The professional knowledge base of science teaching. Springer.

Henriksen, E. K., Dillon, J., & Ryder, J. (Eds.). (2015). Understanding student participation and choice in science and technology education. Springer.

Jorde, D., & Dillon, J. (Eds.). (2012). Science education research and practice in Europe. Brill.

Monk, M., & Dillon, J. (1995). Learning to Teach Science: Activities for student teachers and mentors. Routledge.

Stevenson, R. B., Brody, M., Dillon, J., & Wals, A. E. J. (Eds.). (2012). International handbook of research on environmental education. Routledge.

Stevenson, R. B., & Dillon, J. (Eds.). (2010). Engaging environmental education: Learning, culture and agency. Brill.

Book Chapters

Dillon, J. (2007). Values and science learners: Values in the attained curriculum. In D. Corrigan, J. Dillon, & R. Gunstone (Eds.), The re-emergence of values in science education (pp. 213–214). Brill.

Dillon, J. (2010). Teaching Science Outside the Classroom. In R. Toplis (Ed.), How science works: Exploring effective pedagogy and practice (pp. 134–147). Routledge.

Dillon, J. (2011). Science, the environment and education beyond the classroom. In B. J. Fraser, K. Tobin, & C. J. McRobbie (Eds.), International Handbook of Science Education (2nd ed.) (pp. 1081–1095). Springer.

Dillon, J. (2012). Science, environment and health education: Towards a reconceptualisation of their mutual interdependences. In A. Zeyer & R. Kyburz-Graber (Eds.), Science|Environment|Health: Towards a renewed pedagogy for science education (pp. 87–101). Springer.

Dillon, J. (2013). Outdoor education. In J. Hattie & E. M. Anderman (Eds.), International guide to student achievement (pp. 296–298). Routledge.

Dillon, J. (2014). Environmental education. In N. G. Lederman & S. K. Abell (Eds.), Handbook of research on science education (Vol. 2, pp. 497–514). Routledge.

Dillon, J. (2016). Beyond formal and informal. In L. Avraamidou & W. Roth (Eds.), Intersections of formal and informal science (pp. 52–63). Routledge.

Dillon, J. (2016). Reflections on self-studies and the preparation of future science teacher educators. In G. A. Buck & V. L. Akerson (Eds.), Enhancing professional knowledge of pre-service science teacher education by self-study research: Turning a critical eye on our practice (pp. 407–413). Springer.

Dillon, J., Achiam, M., & Glackin, M. (2021). The role of out-of-school science education in addressing wicked problems: An introduction. In M. Welzel-Breuer (Ed.), Contributions from science education research (pp. 1–8). Springer.

Dillon, J., & Herman, B. (2023). Environmental education. In N. G. Lederman, D. L. Zeidler, & J. S. Lederman (Eds.), Handbook of research on science education (pp. 717–748).

Dillon, J., & Hetherington, L. (2022). Creativity in school science. In J. Dillon & M. Watts (Eds.), Debates in science education (2nd ed., pp. 227–238). Routledge.

Dillon, J., & Reid, A. (2007). Science, the environment and citizenship: Teaching values at the Minstead Study Centre. In D. Corrigan, J. Dillon, & R. Gunstone (Eds.), The re-emergence of values in science education (pp. 77–88). Brill.

Dillon, J., & Watts, M. (2022). Debates in science education. In J. Dillon & M. Watts (Eds.), Debates in science education (2nd ed., pp. 1–9). Routledge.

Achiam, M., Glackin, M., & Dillon, J. (2021). Wicked problems and out-of-school science education: Implications for practice and research. In M. Welzel-Breuer (Ed.), Contributions from science education research (pp. 229–237). Springer.

Anthony, R., Yore, L. D., Coll, R. K., Dillon, J., Chiu, M. H., Fakudze, C., Grimberg, I., & Wang, B. J. (2009). Research ethics boards and the gold standard(s) in literacy and science education research. In M. C. Shelley, L. D. Yore, & B. Hand (Eds.), Quality research in literacy and science education (pp. 511–557). Springer.

Buntting, C., Gunstone, R., Corrigan, D., Dillon, J., & Jones, A. (2015). The future in learning Science: themes, issues and big ideas. In D. Corrigan, C. Buntting, J. Dillon, A. Jones, & R. Gunstone (Eds.), The future in learning science: What’s in it for the learner? (pp. 1–17). Springer.

Coll, R. K., Chang, W. H., Dillon, J., Justi, R., Mortimer, E. F., Tan, K. C. D., Treagust, D. F., & Webb, P. (2009). An international perspective of monitoring educational research quality: Commonalities and differences. In M. C. Shelley, L. D. Yore, & B. Hand (Eds.), Quality research in literacy and science education (pp. 107–137). Springer.

Corrigan, D., Gunstone, R., & Dillon, J. (2011). Approaches to considering the professional knowledge base of science teachers. In D. Corrigan, J. Dillon, & R. Gunstone (Eds.), The professional knowledge base of science teaching (pp. 1–11). Springer.

Dolin, J., Bruun, J., Constantinou, C. P., Dillon, J., Jorde, D., & Labudde, P. (2017). Policy aspects: How to change practice and in what direction. In M. Welzel-Breuer (Ed.), Contributions from science education research (pp. 249–278). Springer.

Egg, J., Kapelari, S., & Dillon, J. (2017). Visualising social network structures in the training of professional learning communities of educators in informal and formal settings. In P. G. Patrick (Ed.), Preparing informal science educators (pp. 269–288). Springer.

Evagorou, M., & Dillon, J. (2011). Argumentation in the teaching of science. In D. Corrigan, J. Dillon, & R. Gunstone (Eds.), The professional knowledge base of science teaching (pp. 189–203). Springer.

Evagorou, M., & Dillon, J. (2020). Introduction: Socio-scientific issues as promoting responsible citizenship and the relevance of science. In D. L. Zeidler (Ed.), Contemporary trends and issues in science education (pp. 1–11). Springer.

Gunstone, R., Corrigan, D., & Dillon, J. (2007). Why consider values and the science curriculum? In D. Corrigan, J. Dillon, & R. Gunstone (Eds.), The re-emergence of values in science education (pp. 1–10). Brill.

Henriksen, E. K., Dillon, J., & Pellegrini, G. (2014). Improving participation in science and technology higher education: Ways forward. In E. K. Henriksen, J. Dillon, & J. Ryder (Eds.), Understanding student participation and choice in science and technology education (pp. 367–377). Springer.

Kelsey, E., & Dillon, J. (2010). ‘If the public knew better, they would act better’: The pervasive power of the myth of the ignorant public. In R. B. Stevenson & J. Dillon (Eds.), Engaging environmental education: learning, culture and agency (pp. 99–110). Brill.

King, H., & Dillon, J. (2012). Learning in informal settings. In N. M. Seel (Ed.), Encyclopedia of the sciences of learning (pp. 1905–1908). Springer.

Nielsen, J. A., Evagorou, M., & Dillon, J. (2020). New perspectives for addressing socioscientific issues in teacher education. In D. L. Zeidler (Ed.), Contemporary trends and issues in science education (pp. 193–199). Springer.

Regan, E., & Dillon, J. (2014). A place for STEM: Probing the reasons for undergraduate course choices. In E. K. Henriksen, J. Dillon, & J. Ryder (Eds.), Understanding student participation and choice in science and technology education (pp. 119–134). Springer.

Regan, E., Vergou, A., Kapelari, S., Willison, J., Dillon, J., Bromley, G., & Bonomi, C. (2014). Strategies for embedding inquiry-based teaching and learning in botanic gardens: evidence from the inquire project. In P. Blessinger & J. M. Carfora (Eds.), Inquiry-based learning for faculty and institutional development: A conceptual and practical resource for educators (Vol. 1, pp. 175–199). Emerald Publishing.

Stevenson, R., & Dillon, J. (2010). Introduction to issues in learning, culture and agency in environmental education. In R. B. Stevenson & J. Dillon (Eds.), Engaging environmental education: Learning, culture and agency (pp. 3–10). Brill.

Stevenson, R. B., Dillon, J., Wals, A. E., & Brody, M. J. (2012). The evolving characteristics of environmental education research. In R. B. Stevenson, M. Brody, J. Dillon, & A. E. J. Wals (Eds.), International handbook of research on environmental education (pp. 512–517). Routledge.

Stevenson, R. B., Wals, A. E., Dillon, J., & Brody, M. J. (2012). Introduction: An orientation to environmental education and the handbook. In R. B. Stevenson, M. Brody, J. Dillon, & A. E. J. Wals (Eds.), International handbook of research on environmental education (pp. 1–6). Routledge.

Tomei, A., Dillon, J., & Dawson, E. L. (2014). United Kingdom: An example of the impact of high stakes accountability regimes on STEM education. In B. Freeman, S. Marginson, & R. Tytler (Eds.), The age of STEM: Educational policy and practice across the world in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (pp. 161–177). Routledge.

Wals, A. E., & Dillon, J. (2012). Conventional and emerging learning theories: Implications and choices for educational researchers with a planetary consciousness. In R. B. Stevenson, M. Brody, J. Dillon, & A. E. J. Wals (Eds.), International handbook of research on environmental education (pp. 253–261). Routledge.

Wals, A. E., Stevenson, R. B., Brody, M. J., & Dillon, J. (2012). Tentative directions for environmental education research in uncertain times. In R. B. Stevenson, M. Brody, J. Dillon, & A. E. J. Wals (Eds.), International handbook of research on environmental education (pp. 542–547). Routledge.

Journal Articles

Dillon, J. (2003). On learners and learning in environmental education: missing theories, ignored communities. Environmental Education Research, 9(2), 215–226.

Dillon, J. (2007). Motivating science. Science communication from a philosophical, educational and cultural perspective. Public Understanding of Science, 16(1), 113–115.

Dillon, J. (2007). [Review of the book Social learning towards a sustainable world: Principles, perspectives and praxis by A. E. J. Wals]. International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development, 2(3/4), 469.

Dillon, J. (2008). Discussion, debate and dialog: Changing minds about conceptual change research in science education. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 3(2), 397–416.

Dillon, J. (2011). Science communication—A UK perspective [Letter to the editor]. International Journal of Science Education, Part B: Communication and Public Engagement, 1(1), 5–8.

Dillon, J. (2012). Science, society and sustainability: Education and empowerment for an uncertain world. Environmental Education Research, 18(5), 727–731.

Dillon, J. (2013). Doing justice to the informal science education community. Studies in Science Education, 50(1), 131–136.

Dillon, J. (2016). 50 years of JBE: From science and environmental education to civic science. Journal of Biological Education, 50(2), 120–122.

Dillon, J. (2019). University declarations of environment and climate change emergencies. Environmental Education Research, 25(5), 613–614.

Dillon, J., Kelsey, E., & DuqueAristizabal, A. M. (1999). Identity and culture: Theorising emergent environmentalism. Environmental Education Research, 5(4), 395405.

Dillon, J., & Morgan, A. (2008). [Review of the book Teaching the global dimension: Key principles and effective practice, by D. Hicks and C. Holden]. Environmental Education Research, 14(3), 374–379.

Dillon, J., & Reid, A. (2004). Issues in casestudy methodology in investigating environmental and sustainability issues in higher education: Towards a problembased approach? Environmental Education Research, 10(1), 2337.

Dillon, J., Rickinson, M., Sanders, D., & Teamey, K. (2005). On food, farming and land management: Towards a research agenda to reconnect urban and rural lives. International Journal of Science Education, 27(11), 1359–1374.

Dillon, J., & Scott, W. (2002). Perspectives on environmental education-related research in science education. International Journal of Science Education, 24(11), 1111–1117.

Dillon, J., Stevenson, R. B., & Wals, A. (2016). Introduction to the special section moving from citizen to civic science to address wicked conservation problems. Conservation Biology, 30(3), 450–455.

Dillon, J., & Teamey, K. (2002). Reconceptualizing environmental education: Taking account of reality. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematic and Technology Education, 2(4), 467–483.

Dillon, J., & Wals, A. (2006). On the danger of blurring methods, methodologies and ideologies in environmental education research. Environmental Education Research, 12(3–4), 549–558.

Archer, L., DeWitt, J., & Dillon, J. (2014). ‘It didn’t really change my opinion’: Exploring what works, what doesn’t and why in a school science, technology, engineering and mathematics careers intervention. Research in Science & Technological Education, 32(1), 35–55.

Archer, L., DeWitt, J., Osborne, J., Dillon, J., Willis, B., & Wong, B. (2010). Doing science versus being a scientist: Examining 10/11yearold schoolchildrens constructions of science through the lens of identity. Science Education, 94(4), 617639.

Archer, L., DeWitt, J., Osborne, J., Dillon, J., Willis, B., & Wong, B. (2012). “Balancing acts’’: Elementary school girls’ negotiations of femininity, achievement, and science. Science Education, 96(6), 967–989.

Archer, L., DeWitt, J., Osborne, J., Dillon, J., Willis, B., & Wong, B. (2012). Science aspirations, capital, and family habitus: How families shape children’s engagement and identification with science. American Educational Research Journal, 49(5), 881–908.

Archer, L., DeWitt, J., Osborne, J., Dillon, J., Willis, B., & Wong, B. (2013). ‘Not girly, not sexy, not glamorous’: Primary school girls’ and parents’ constructions of science aspirations. Pedagogy, Culture & Society, 21(1), 171–194.

Assaraf, O. B., Dawson, V., Eilam, E., Gokpinar, T., Goldman, D., Naugauker, N., Putri, I. G. a. P. E., Subiantoro, A. W., Tolppanen, S., White, P., Quinton, H. W., & Dillon, J. (2024). Climate change education implementation: The voices of policymakers, professional development providers, and teachers in five countries. International Journal of Science Education, 1–23.

Bevan, B., & Dillon, J. (2010). Broadening views of learning: Developing educators for the 21st century through an international research partnership at the exploratorium and King’s College London. New Educator/The New Educator, 6(3–4), 167–180.

Davies, B. R., Leung, A., Dunne, S., Dillon, J., & Blum, I. R. (2015). Bespoke video vignettes – An approach to enhancing reflective learning developed by dental undergraduates and their clinical teachers. European Journal of Dental Education, 21(1), 33–36.

DeWitt, J., Archer, L., Osborne, J., Dillon, J., Willis, B., & Wong, B. (2010). High aspirations but low progression: The science aspirations–careers paradox amongst minority ethnic students. International Journal of Science and Mathematical Education/International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 9(2), 243–271.

DeWitt, J., Osborne, J., Archer, L., Dillon, J., Willis, B., & Wong, B. (2013). Young children’s aspirations in science: The unequivocal, the uncertain and the unthinkable. International Journal of Science Education, 35(6), 1037–1063.

Evagorou, M., Dillon, J., Viiri, J., & Albe, V. (2015). Pre-service science teacher preparation in Europe: Comparing pre-service teacher preparation programs in England, France, Finland and Cyprus. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 26(1), 99–115.

HowardJones, P., Sands, D., Dillon, J., & Fenton-Jones, F. (2021). The views of teachers in England on an action-oriented climate change curriculum. Environmental Education Research, 27(11), 16601680.

Jiménez-Liso, M. R., Banet, L. L., & Dillon, J. (2020). Changing how we teach acid-base chemistry. Science & Education (Dordrecht), 29(5), 1291–1315.

Joslin, P., Stiles, K. S., Marshall, J. S., Anderson, O. R., Gallagher, J. J., Kahle, J. B., Fensham, P. J., Lazarowitz, R., Rennie, L. J., Fraser, B. J., Staver, J. R., Gallard, A., JiménezAleixandre, M. P., Dillon, J., Moscovici, H., Tuan, H., Emdin, C., Tobin, K., & Roth, W. (2007). NARST: A lived history. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 3(1), 157–207.

Meyers, R. B., Brody, M. J., Dillon, J., Hart, P., Krasny, M. E., Monroe, M. C., Russell, C., & Wals, A. (2007). Towards creating an inclusive community of researchers: The first three years of the North American association for environmental education research symposium. Environmental Education Research, 13(5), 639–661.

Monk, M., & Dillon, J. (1995). From telling to selling: One historical perspective on consultancy in science education. Journal of Education Policy, 10(3), 317–323.

Nundy, S., Dillon, J., & Dowd, P. F. (2009). Improving and encouraging teacher confidence in out-of-classroom learning: The impact of the Hampshire trailblazer project on 3–13 curriculum practitioners. Education 3-13, 37(1), 61–73.

Olave, B. T., & Dillon, J. (2022). Chilean physics teacher educators’ hybrid identities and border crossings as opportunities for agency within school and university. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 59(10), 1795–1821.

Osborne, J., & Dillon, J. (2007). Research on learning in informal contexts: Advancing the field? International Journal of Science Education, 29(12), 1441–1445.

Oulton, C., Day, V., Dillon, J., & Grace, M. (2004). Controversial issues teachers attitudes and practices in the context of citizenship education. Oxford Review of Education, 30(4), 489507.

Oulton, C., Dillon, J., & Grace, M. (2004). Reconceptualizing the teaching of controversial issues. International Journal of Science Education, 26(4), 411–423.

Philpotts, I., Blackwell, E., Dillon, J., & Rooney, N. J. (2024). Do animal welfare education campaigns really work? An evaluation of the RSPCA’s #DogKind campaign in raising awareness of separation-related behaviours in UK dog owners. Animals, 14(3), 484.

Philpotts, I., Blackwell, E., Dillon, J., Tipton, E., & Rooney, N. J. (2024). What do we know about dog owners? Exploring associations between pre-purchase behaviours, knowledge and understanding, ownership practices, and dog welfare. Animals, 14(3), 396.

Philpotts, I., Dillon, J., & Rooney, N. J. (2019). Improving the welfare of companion dogs—Is owner education the solution? Animals, 9(9), 662.

Reid, A., Dillon, J., Ardoin, N. M., & Ferreira, J. (2021). Scientists’ warnings and the need to reimagine, recreate, and restore environmental education. Environmental Education Research, 27(6), 783–795.

Reid, A., Teamey, K., & Dillon, J. (2004). Valuing and utilizing traditional ecological knowledge: Tensions in the context of education and the environment. Environmental Education Research, 10(2), 237–254.

Rondeau, K. V., Dillon, J., Mansour, N., & Daniels, J. (2022). Managing knowledge and identity across the boundary of academic and commercial science. Proceedings of the European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 17(1), 432–440.

Russell, C., Chandler, P., & Dillon, J. (2023). Humour and environmental education [Editorial]. Environmental Education Research, 29(4), 491–499.

Russell, C., & Dillon, J. (2010). Environmental Education and STEM Education: New times, new alliances?/Formation environnementale et formation en sciences, technologies, ingénierie et mathématiques: Temps nouveaux et alliances nouvelles? Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, 10(1), 1–12.

Seakins, A., & Dillon, J. (2013). Exploring research themes in public engagement within a natural history museum: A modified delphi approach. International Journal of Science Education, Part B: Communication and Public Engagement, 3(1), 52–76.

Stagg, B. C., & Dillon, J. (2023). Plants, education and sustainability: Rethinking the teaching of botany in school science. Journal of Biological Education, 57(5), 941–943.

Stagg, B. C., & Dillon, J. (2022). Plant awareness is linked to plant relevance: A review of educational and ethnobiological literature (1998–2020). Plants, People, Planet, 4(6), 579–592.

Tasquier, G., Levrini, O., & Dillon, J. (2016). Exploring students’ epistemological knowledge of models and modelling in science: Results from a teaching/learning experience on climate change. International Journal of Science Education, 38(4), 539–563.

Tobin, K., Rennie, L. J., Venville, G., Chu, H., Fensham, P. J., Gallagher, J. J., Duit, R., Graeber, W., Van Den Berg, E., Hand, B., Ritchie, S. M., & Dillon, J. (2011). David F. Treagust:  Congenial soul, science educator, and international research leader. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 6(3), 783–793.

Wals, A., Brody, M. J., Dillon, J., & Stevenson, R. B. (2014). Convergence between science and environmental education. Science, 344(6184), 583–584.

Watson, J., Prieto, T., & Dillon, J. (1997). Consistency of students’ explanations about combustion. Science Education, 81(4), 425–443.;2-E

Watson, R., Prieto, T., & Dillon, J. (1995). The effect of practical work on students’ understanding of combustion. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 32(5), 487–502.

Wong, V., & Dillon, J. (2019). Crossing the boundaries: Collaborations between mathematics and science departments in English secondary (high) schools. Research in Science & Technological Education, 38(4), 396–416.

Wong, V., & Dillon, J. (2019). ‘Voodoo maths’, asymmetric dependency and maths blame: Why collaboration between school science and mathematics teachers is so rare. International Journal of Science Education, 41(6), 782–802.

Wong, V., Dillon, J., & King, H. (2016). STEM in England: Meanings and motivations in the policy arena. International Journal of Science Education, 38(15), 2346–2366.

Zeyer, A., & Dillon, J. (2014). Science|Environment|Health—Towards a reconceptualization of three critical and inter-linked areas of education. International Journal of Science Education, 36(9), 1409–1411.

Zeyer, A., & Dillon, J. (2018). The role of empathy for learning in complex Science|Environment|Health contexts. International Journal of Science Education, 41(3), 297–315.

Zhai, J., & Dillon, J. (2014). Communicating science to students: Investigating professional botanic garden educators’ talk during guided school visits. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 51(4), 407–429.

Zhai, J., Dillon, J., & Dawson, V. (2024). Climate change education: Cross-cultural perspectives. ECNU Review of Education.