Accepted Author Manuscript
See Author’s Post-print
Article Processing Charge/Article Processing Fee: Fee paid to a publisher by the author, author’s institution or funder, for Gold Open Access.
Author’s Addendum: A legal instrument that modifies the publisher's agreement and allows the author to keep key rights.
Author’s Post-print: Final, accepted, peer-reviewed version of a paper, before the publisher’s copy-editing, proof corrections, layout and typesetting.
Author’s Pre-print: Version of a paper before the peer review process.
CC BY: Creative Commons Attribution Licence. This licence lets others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon a work, even commercially, as long as they credit the rights holder(s) for the original creation. The most accommodating of the Creative Commons licences.
Creative Commons: Global organisation that offers legal tools, including Creative Commons licences, that right holders can use to offer certain usage rights to the public, while reserving other rights.
Embargo: A delay period imposed by a publisher on making full-text available in a disciplinary/subject repository and/or an institutional repository. The embargo period, which is usually indicated in the copyright agreement, may vary from 6 months to 2 years. Sometimes the publisher's embargo conflicts with a funder's requirement, so it is always advisable for the authors to check before submitting their papers for publishing.
Final Author Manuscript
See Author’s Post-print
Journals, Hybrid: Subscription journals that offer a Gold Open Access option involving payment of an Article Processing Fee to make individual articles available online immediately for open access upon publication.
Journals, Open Access: Journals in which all articles are open access.
Journals, Subscription: Journals published under a traditional subscription model, whereby institutions and individuals pay an annual fee, or pay per view, to access the content.
Open Access (OA): Free online access to research literature.
Open Access, Gold: Authors pay an Article Processing Fee to the journal publisher, upon acceptance for publication, so that the research can be made available online immediately for open access upon publication.
Open Access, Green: Authors self-archive a copy of the research into a disciplinary/subject repository and/or an institutional repository, in accordance with the publisher's copyright and self-archiving policies or in compliance with the funder requirements.
Publisher’s PDF/Version: Version of a paper that appears on the publisher website after publication, including the publisher’s copy-editing, proof corrections, layout and typesetting.
Publisher’s Proof Copy: Copy of manuscript from the publisher for author’s review before publishing. It is not the same as the author’s post-print.
Repository, Disciplinary/Subject: Digital archive of open access research in particular fields.
Repository, Institutional: Digital archive and showcase of an institution’s research.
Self-archiving: The process of depositing research into a repository.
SHERPA/RoMEO: A database of publishers’ policies on copyright and self-archiving.
Attribution: This is a modified version of the Glossary in Open Access at UCL (with some additional entries), which is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.