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EndNote 21

Moving EndNote library to Mendeley

Exporting your EndNote Library as an XML file:

  1. Select the citations that you want to export. If you wish to export your entire library, select all your references by pressing Ctrl+A.
  2. In the top menu, go to File > Export.
  3. In the pop-up window, go to "Save as type" and click "XML (*.xml)". Name your file and select a save location on your computer.

Importing the XML file into Mendeley:

  1. At the top of the reference manager, go to +Add new > Import library > Endnote XML (*.xml)
  2. Select the .xml file that you exported from EndNote. Click on "Open" to start the import.


  1. Drag and drop the.xml file into your "All References" folder in Mendeley.


Moving EndNote library into Zotero - References only

Exporting your EndNote Library as an XML file:

  1. Select the citations that you want to export. If you wish to export your entire library, select all your references by pressing Ctrl+A.
  2. In the top menu, go to File > Export.
  3. In the pop-up window, go to "Save as type" and click "XML (*.xml)". Name your file and select a save location on your computer.

Importing the XML file into Zotero:

  1. In the top menu, go to File > Import.
  2. Select "A file (BibTeX, RIS, Zotero RDF, etc.)" and click Next.
  3. Select the .xml file exported from your EndNote Library. Click on "Open" to confirm your selection. Ensure that the box "Copy files to the Zotero storage folder" is checked.
  4. Click Next, then click Finish to complete the installation.


Moving EndNote library into Zotero - References & PDFs

Exporting your EndNote as a .txt file

1. Select the citations that you want to export. If you wish to export your entire library, select all your references by pressing Ctrl+A.

2. In the menu bar, go to File > Export

Saving your .txt in the EndNote .DATA Folder

3. In the pop-up window, choose File Type as Text File (.txt).

4. For Output Style, choose RefMan (RIS) Export.

5. Save this file into the .DATA folder of your EndNote Library. This folder should be found together with your EndNote Library (.enl) file.

6. This is how your .DATA folder will look:








Importing from Zotero

7. Go to Zotero, choose File > Import.

8. In the Import window, choose the "A file" option. 

9. Choose the save .txt file in your .DATA folder.

10. In the Import options window, you can choose to import items into a new collection. Click "Next".

11. Your EndNote Library will be exported together with the PDFs.