While the library tries to provide access to a wide range of materials, we unfortunately cannot subscribe to every book, journal, or every issue from a particular journal.
Step 1: When you find an e-resource that is not available in NIE Library's subscription and is not available as open access, LibFetch! will direct you to our Document Delivery page where you can request a copy of the resource. Just click "Submit Request" to be linked to the Document Delivery page.
You can then request for a copy of the book chapter or article to be sent to you, subject to copyright restrictions. Note: you will need to sign into Microsoft Forms and authenticate yourself to access the Document Delivery Request Form.
Step 2: If the browser extension does not link to the full text online, you may wish to search for the journal title in the library portal (Click on the Journals menu when you are in the searching platform). It is possible that the article is still available in hard copy version.
Step 3: Similarly even if an ebook is not available, a printed version may be found by searching the library portal directly.
Step 4: If you are looking for a book that is not available in NIE Library, but is located in another library, you can also make a request to borrow the book via Interlibrary Loan.
Step 5: You can also make a recommendation to purchase the journal/e-journal or book/ebook though the Recommend New Titles Form. The library will carefully consider all relevant requests.