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Bibliographies of Dr. Ruth Wong Professors in Teacher Education

Bibliographies compiled in conjunction with the Dr. Ruth Wong Professorship in Teacher Education Lectures.

Professor Elaine Munthe: A Select Bibliography

This bibliography was compiled in conjunction with the 4th Dr. Ruth Wong Professorship in Teacher Education. Access to licensed resources is only available to NIE staff and students. 

Professor Elaine Munthe is the Professor And Director of The Knowledge Center for Education (KSU), University of Stavanger, Norway. She delivered a presentation entitled Bridge Over Troubled Waters; Thoughtful Engagement with Research in Education at the NIE Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference on 28 May 2024.



Munthe, E., & Roland, E. (Eds.). (1989). Bullying: An international perspective. David Fulton Publishers.

Roland, E., & Munthe, E. (Eds.). (2018). Bullying (1989): An international perspective. Routledge.

Zellermayer, M., & Munthe, E. (Eds.). (2007). Teachers learning in communities: International perspectives. Sense Publishers.

Book Chapters

Conway, P. F., & Munthe, E. (2014). The practice turn: Research-informed clinical teacher education in two countries. In J.-C. Smeby & M. Sutphen (Eds.), From vocational to professional education: Educating for social welfare (pp. 146-163). Routledge.

Kvam, E. K., & Munthe, E. (2020). Strengthening knowledge development in teachers’ conversations in lesson study. In A. Murata & C. K.-E. Lee (Eds.), Stepping up lesson study: An educator’s guide to deeper learning (pp. 66-75). Routledge.

Munthe, E. (1989). Bullying in Scandinavia. In E. Roland & E. Munthe (Eds.), Bullying (1989): An international perspective (pp. 66-78). Routledge.

Munthe, E. (2007). Recognizing uncertainty and risk in the development of teachers' learning communities. In M. Zellermayer & E. Munthe (Eds.), Teachers learning in communities: International perspectives (pp. 15-26). Sense Publishers.

Munthe, E. (2021). How does the role of research in teacher education in Europe matter? In D. Worek & C. Kraler (Eds.), Teacher education: The Bologna process and the future of teaching (pp. 109-118). Waxmann Verlag GmbH. 

Munthe, E. (2022). Research-based teacher education. In M. A. Peters (Ed.), Encyclopedia of teacher education (pp. 1571-1576). Springer Nature Singapore.

Journal Articles

Bru, E., Boyesen, M., Munthe, E., & Roland, E. (1998). Perceived social support at school and emotional and musculoskeletal complaints among Norwegian 8th grade students. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 42(4), 339–356.

Bru, E., Stornes, T., Munthe, E., & Thuen, E. (2010). Students’ perceptions of teacher support across the transition from primary to secondary school. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 54(6), 519–533.

Cosmovici, E. M., Idsoe, T., Bru, E., & Munthe, E. (2009). Perceptions of learning environment and onā€task orientation among students reporting different achievement levels: A study conducted among Norwegian secondary school students. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 53(4), 379–396.

Forsström, S., & Munthe, E. (2023). What characterizes Nordic research on initial teacher education: A systematic scoping review. Nordic Studies in Education, 43(3), 241–259.

Gamlem, S. M., & Munthe, E. (2014). Mapping the quality of feedback to support students’ learning in lower secondary classrooms. Cambridge Journal of Education, 44(1), 75–92.

Instefjord, E., & Munthe, E. (2016). Preparing pre-service teachers to integrate technology: An analysis of the emphasis on digital competence in teacher education curricula. European Journal of Teacher Education, 39(1), 77–93.

Instefjord, E. J., & Munthe, E. (2017). Educating digitally competent teachers: A study of integration of professional digital competence in teacher education. Teaching and Teacher Education, 67, 37-45.

Keles, S., Munthe, E., & Ruud, E. (2021). A systematic review of interventions promoting social inclusion of immigrant and ethnic minority preschool children. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 1–16.

Keles, S., ten Braak, D., & Munthe, E. (2024). Inclusion of students with special education needs in Nordic countries: A systematic scoping review. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 68(3), 431–446.

Munthe, E. (2001). Measuring teacher certainty. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 45(2), 167–181.

Munthe, E. (2003). Teachers’ workplace and professional certainty. Teaching and Teacher Education, 19(8), 801-813. 

Munthe, E. (2009). Developing thinking and understanding in young children: an introduction for students. Teachers and Teaching, 15(6), 747–749.

Munthe, E. (2010). Portfolios for professional development: A research journey. Teachers and Teaching, 16(2), 277-279.

Munthe, E., Bjuland, R., & Helgevold, N. (2016). Lesson study in field practice: A time-lagged experiment in initial teacher education in Norway. International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies, 5(2), 142-154.

Munthe, E., Malmo, K. A. S., & Rogne, M. (2011). Teacher education reform and challenges in Norway. Journal of Education for Teaching, 37(4), 441–450.

Munthe, E., & Thuen, E. (2009). Lower secondary school teachers’ judgements of pupils’ problems. Teachers and Teaching, 15(5), 563–578.

Munthe, E., & Westergård, E. (2023). Parents', teachers', and students’ roles in parent-teacher conferences; a systematic review and meta-synthesis. Teaching and Teacher Education, 136, Article 104355.

Roland, E., & Munthe, E. (1997). The 1996 Norwegian Program for preventing and managing bullying in schools. The Irish Journal of Psychology, 18(2), 233-247. 

See, B. H., Munthe, E., Ross, S. A., Hitt, L., & El Soufi, N. (2022). Who becomes a teacher and why? Review of Education, 10(3), Article e3377. 

Thomassen, W., & Munthe, E. (2021). Educating Norwegian preservice teachers for the multicultural classroom: What knowledge do student teachers and mentor teachers express? European Journal of Teacher Education, 44(2), 234–248.

Thomassen, W. E., & Munthe, E. (2020). A Norwegian perspective: Student teachers’ orientations towards cultural and linguistic diversity in schools. Teaching and Teacher Education, 96, Article 103151.