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Educational Neuroscience Resources for Teachers

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is characterised as “a persistent pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity that interferes with functioning or development” (American Psychiatric Association, 2013, p. 59). Some examples of these characteristics can include “fails to give close attention to details or makes careless mistakes in schoolwork, at work, or during other activities”, “difficulty sustaining attention in tasks or play activities”, “fidgets with or taps hands or feet or squirms in seat”, and “difficulty waiting his or her turn” (American Psychiatric Association, 2013, p. 59). 

Source: American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Publishing.

Linking ADHD to the neural circuitry of attention (2017)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Spontaneous activity in the waiting brain: A marker of impulsive choice in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder? (2015)
Translation     Abstract     Full Text

Altered salience processing in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (2015)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

Electroencephalography correlates of spatial working memory deficits in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: Vigilance, encoding, and maintenance (2014)
Translation     Abstract    Full Text

A review of fronto-striatal and fronto-cortical brain abnormalities in children and adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and new evidence for dysfunction in adults with ADHD during motivation and attention (2012)
Translation     Abstract     Full Text

Inhibitory control of memory retrieval and motor processing associated with the right lateral prefrontal cortex: Evidence from deficits in individuals with ADHD (2010)
Translation     Abstract     Full Text

Altered evoked gamma-band responses reveal impaired early visual processing in ADHD children (2010)
Translation     Abstract     Full Text

The neural basis of sustained and transient attentional control in young adults with ADHD (2009)
Translation     Abstract     Full Text

Functional magnetic resonance imaging evidence for abnormalities in response selection in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: Differences in activation associated with response inhibition but not habitual motor response (2008)
Translation     Abstract     Full Text

Ventral striatal hyperconnectivity during rewarded interference control in adolescents with ADHD (2016)  
Translation     Abstract     Full Text

Feedback associated with expectation for larger-reward improves visuospatial working memory performances in children with ADHD (2015) 
Translation     Abstract     Full Text

Hemodynamic response of children with attention-deficit and hyperactive disorder (ADHD) to emotional facial expressions (2014)
Translation     Abstract     Full Text

Ventral-striatal responsiveness during reward anticipation in ADHD and its relation to trait impulsivity in the healthy population: A meta-analytic review of the fMRI literature (2014) 
Translation     Abstract     Full Text

Impaired reward processing by anterior cingulate cortex in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (2014) 
Translation     Abstract     Full Text*

Identifying the neurobiology of altered reinforcement sensitivity in ADHD: A review and research agenda (2010) 
Translation     Abstract     Full Text

Social cognition in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)(2010) 
Translation     Abstract     Full Text

Electrophysiological correlates of semantic processing during encoding of neutral and emotional pictures in patients with ADHD (2009)
Translation     Abstract     Full Text

Electrophysiological evidence of atypical motivation and reward processing in children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (2008) 
Translation     Abstract     Full Text

Real-time fMRI neurofeedback in adolescents with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (2017)
Translation     Abstract     Full Text

An event-related potential investigation of the acute effects of aerobic and coordinative exercise on inhibitory control in children with ADHD (2017)
Translation     Abstract     Full Text

Neurofeedback in ADHD and insomnia: Vigilance stabilization through sleep spindles and circadian networks (2014)
Translation     Abstract     Full Text

The influences of environmental enrichment, cognitive enhancement, and physical exercise on brain development: Can we alter the developmental trajectory of ADHD? (2011)
Translation     Abstract     Full Text

Training-induced neuroanatomical plasticity in ADHD: A tensor-based morphometric study (2011)
Translation     Abstract     Full Text

Enhanced neural activity in frontal and cerebellar circuits after cognitive training in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (2010)
Translation     Abstract     Full Text

Double-dissociation between the mechanism leading to impulsivity and inattention in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A resting-state functional connectivity study (2017)
Translation     Abstract     Full Text

An evidenced-based perspective on the validity of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in the context of high intelligence (2016)
Translation     Abstract     Full Text

Unique white matter microstructural patterns in ADHD presentations—a diffusion tensor imaging study (2016)
Translation     Abstract     Full Text

Characterizing heterogeneity in children with and without ADHD based on reward system connectivity (2015) 
Translation     Abstract     Full Text

The executive control network and symptomatic improvement in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (2015)
Translation     Abstract     Full Text

Grey matter volume differences associated with gender in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: A voxel-based morphometry study (2015)
Translation     Abstract     Full Text

Impaired reward processing in the human prefrontal cortex distinguishes between persistent and remittent attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (2015) 
Translation     Abstract     Full Text

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder without comorbidity is associated with distinct atypical patterns of cerebral microstructural development (2014)
Translation     Abstract     Full Text

Network connectivity abnormality profile supports a categorical-dimensional hybrid model of ADHD (2014)
Translation     Abstract     Full Text

Size and synchronization of auditory cortex promotes musical, literacy, and Attentional skills in children (2014)
Translation     Abstract     Full Text

Lag in maturation of the brain's intrinsic functional architecture in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (2014)
Translation     Abstract     Full Text

Functional connectivity of substantia nigra and ventral tegmental area: Maturation during adolescence and effects of ADHD (2014)
Translation     Abstract     Full Text

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder is characterized by a delay in cortical maturation (2007)
Translation     Abstract     Full Text

What can cortical development in attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder teach us about the early developmental mechanisms involved? (2017)
Translation     Abstract     Full Text

Frontal alpha asymmetry predicts inhibitory processing in youth with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (2017)
Translation     Abstract     Full Text

Network-level assessment of reward-related activation in patients with ADHD and healthy individuals (2017)
Translation     Abstract     Full Text

A systematic review and meta-analysis of tract-based spatial statistics studies regarding attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (2016)
Translation     Abstract     Full Text

Cortical morphometry in attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder: Contribution of thickness and surface area to volume (2016)
Translation     Abstract     Full Text

Non-negative matrix factorization of multimodal MRI, fMRI and phenotypic data reveals differential changes in default mode subnetworks in ADHD (2014)
Translation     Abstract     Full Text

Pattern classification of response inhibition in ADHD: Toward the development of neurobiological markers for ADHD (2014)
Translation     Abstract     Full Text

Brainstem abnormalities in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder support high accuracy individual diagnostic classification (2014)
Translation     Abstract     Full Text

Modality-spanning deficits in attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder in functional networks, Gray matter, And white matter (2014)
Translation     Abstract     Full Text

Disrupted network architecture of the resting brain in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (2014)
Translation     Abstract     Full Text

White matter tract integrity of frontostriatal circuit in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: Association with attention performance and symptoms (2014)
Translation     Abstract     Full Text

Probabilistic diffusion tractography and graph theory analysis reveal abnormal white matter structural connectivity networks in drug-naive boys with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (2013)
Translation     Abstract     Full Text

Habenula and ADHD: Convergence on time (2013)
Translation     Abstract     Full Text

Topography of sleep slow wave activity in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (2013)
Translation     Abstract     Full Text

Large-scale brain systems in ADHD: Beyond the prefrontal-striatal model (2012)
Translation     Abstract     Full Text

Decreased frontostriatal microstructural organization in attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (2012)
Translation     Abstract     Full Text

Meta-analysis of fMRI studies of timing in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) (2012)
Translation     Abstract     Full Text

Diffusion tensor imaging in attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis (2012)
Translation     Abstract     Full Text

Sleep-dependent memory consolidation - What can be learnt from children? (2012)
Translation     Abstract     Full Text

Is the ADHD brain wired differently? A review on structural and functional connectivity in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (2010)
Translation     Abstract     Full Text

White-matter abnormalities in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: A diffusion tensor imaging study (2009)
Translation     Abstract     Full Text

Altered small-world brain functional networks in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (2009)
Translation     Abstract     Full Text

Abnormal cerebral cortex structure in children with ADHD (2009)
Translation     Abstract     Full Text

Fisher discriminative analysis of resting-state brain function for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (2008)
Translation     Abstract     Full Text

Functional connectivity of frontal cortex in healthy and adhd children reflected in EEG coherence (2007)
Translation     Abstract     Full Text