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NTU CourseReserves: NIE Course Readings Guide

A guide to NIE's new course readings management system

Steps to Finalise Your Reading List

Use the tabs below to learn how to finalise your reading list by:

  • Sending your list to the library so that library staff can process each citation and check that they are available.
  • Publishing your list, after the processing is complete, so that your students can view the list.
  • Sharing a direct link to your list, or even just to a section or item.


Normally a list is prepared and completed before the start of semester. If you are adding extra readings to the list during the course of the semester, please use "Send to library"  to send the item to the library for review. This assures that any type of reading will become visible for students.

Send Your List to the Library for Review, Publish it or Share a Link

Reading lists need to be sent to the Library for review. Once a list is sent, library staff will process each citation in your reading list. A Librarian will process each citation and set the citation statuses to Complete when they are done. They will then email you for you to publish your list. Or the librarian can do it for you.

 Please note:   You must Publish your list to make it visible to students! (see next tab)

Click on the Library Review button to send the list to the library for review.



Adding items during the course of the semester:

Perform this action at the Section level or for an individual item, using the ellipsis and Send to the Library option.

This will notify the librarian to process the citations and set the citation statuses to Complete when they are done.

To check if you have already sent a list to the Library, hover your mouse over the List Sent button.

Check the information that is displayed in the tooltip. 

'Send list to library to review' will appear in the tooltip if the list hasn't already been sent. 

Otherwise a 'last sent' date and time will appear.


Reading lists are only visible to students when they are published. When the status of the reading list is set to "Complete", you can proceed to publish your list.  (Note that if the status of the reading list is set to "Decline", please see the notes added by the librarian and make amendments to the unfulfilled citations e.g. by replacing or removing them).

To publish your list click on the ellipsis in the top right hand corner and choose Publish

You will be asked to choose which category of users to restrict the list to e.g. Course students only.

The status of the reading list will change from to  

To unpublish your list, click on the ellipsis on the top right of the screen and select Unpublish.


To create a link to an item, section or entire list to use within your NTULearn course page please follow these steps:

1. Go to the ellipsis menu relevant to what you want to share and click on Create a shareable link

2. Copy the link to your clipboard and insert it into your Course page. 

NOTE: if the reading list is restricted to a limited group e.g. course students, only students registered to the course can view this list.