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NTU CourseReserves: NIE Course Readings Guide

A guide to NIE's new course readings management system

Further Steps to Customise your Readings

Use the tabs below to further customise your reading list by:

  • Adding a due date for items that need to be read/completed by a certain date
  • Communicating with library staff, e.g. to check the status on a citation or ask a query.
  • Communicating with students, e.g to discuss any content or ask for feedback.
  • Viewing as a student, to check that the reading list is properly configured. 


1. Click the ellipsis on the citation to open the citation menu, then select Edit Item.
2. Enter the due date in the Due Date field, or select the calendar icon to pick the date. Then click Save.
3. The due date will appear in orange text next to the citation's title.



Leganto provides options for communicating with library staff directly from your reading list, rather than emailing individual staff. If you have an urgent question or request, it is recommended that you contact directly.

To send a note to the library:

1. Open the Library Discussion tab to the right of your reading list.

2. Enter your message in the comment box, and select Submit Comment.


Students can contribute to discussion threads in a couple of ways. The Student Discussion feature is available at the list level, and at the individual citation level;

When a student comments on a citation you will see a new notification. 






Notifications can be found on the top-right corner of the page.

You can click on the citation title in the notification to be taken directly to that citation.

On the right-hand side of the screen you will see the comment.


You can respond to the comment or delete the comment by clicking on the trash can icon.

A confirmation message will appear, click OK to delete the comment. 


If you decide you don't want to have the student discussion feature in your list, you can easily disable it.

1) Click on the ellipsis at the top right of your reading list

2) Click on Configure list discussions, and select Hide student discussion thread;


As you build and arrange your list of resources, it is recommended that you review the reading list using the View list as a student option. This will ensure that notes, tags, links, and uploaded files are displayed correctly.

To view your reading list as a student:

1. Select the ellipsis located to the right of the reading list title, then select View list as a student.

2. The reading list will refresh and a "Student view mode" blue bar will appear at the bottom of the page.